Die vergadering vir die bevordering van "bamboes in plaas van plastiek" in openbare instellings in die Sichuan-provinsie in 2024

Volgens Sichuan News Network, ten einde die volle kettingbestuur van plastiekbesoedeling te verdiep en die ontwikkeling van die "bamboes in plaas van plastiek" industrie te versnel, op 25 Julie, die 2024 Sichuan Provinsiale Openbare Instellings "bamboes in plaas van plastiek" Bevordering en Toepassing Veldkonferensie, aangebied deur die Sichuan Provinsiale Regeringsake Bestuursburo en die Volksregering van Yibin City, is in Xingwen County, Yibin City, gehou.

Xingwen is located on the southern edge of the Sichuan Basin, in the combined area of Sichuan, Chongqing, Yunnan, and Guizhou. Dit is ekologies leefbaar, ryk aan selenium en suurstof, met 'n bamboesbosgebied van meer as 520 000 hektaar en 'n woudbedekkingskoers van 53,58%. It is known as the "Hometown of Four Seasons Fresh Bamboo Shoots in China," "Hometown of Giant Yellow Bamboo in China," and "Hometown of Square Bamboo in China." It has been awarded honors such as China's Green Famous County, Tianfu Tourism Famous County, Provincial Ecological County, and Provincial Bamboo Industry High Quality Development County. In recent years, we have thoroughly implemented the important instructions on the development of the bamboo industry and the use of bamboo instead of plastic, leveraged small bamboo to drive large industries, promoted the integrated development of the bamboo industry, actively seized the new track of "vervang plastiek met bamboes", en bied breë ontwikkelingsvooruitsigte vir "vervanging van plastiek met bamboes en groen lewe".

Pos tyd: Jul-26-2024