Papierpulp kategorieë volgens grondstof

In die papierbedryf is die keuse van grondstowwe van deurslaggewende belang vir produkkwaliteit, produksiekoste en omgewingsimpak. Die papierbedryf het 'n verskeidenheid grondstowwe, hoofsaaklik houtpulp, bamboespulp, graspulp, henneppulp, katoenpulp en afvalpapierpulp.


1. Houtpulp

2. Bamboespulp


Bamboespulp is gemaak van bamboes as die grondstof vir papierpulp. Bamboes het 'n kort groeisiklus, 'n sterk regeneratiewe kapasiteit, is 'n omgewingsvriendelike grondstof vir papiermaak. Bamboo pulp paper has high whiteness, good air permeability, good stiffness and other characteristics, suitable for the production of cultural paper, living paper and part of the packaging paper. Met die verbetering van omgewingsbewustheid groei die markvraag na bamboespulppapier.

3. Graspulpgraspulp is gemaak van 'n verskeidenheid kruidagtige plante (soos riete, koringgras, bagasse, ens.) As grondstowwe. These plants are rich in resources and low cost, but the pulping process is relatively complex and needs to overcome the challenges of short fibres and high impurities. Graspulppapier word hoofsaaklik gebruik vir die vervaardiging van lae-graad verpakkingspapier, toiletpapier en so aan.

4. Henneppulp

Henneppulp is gemaak van vlas-, jute- en ander hennepplante as grondstowwe vir pulp. Hemp plant fibres long, strong, made of hemp paper with good tear resistance and durability, especially suitable for the production of high-grade packaging paper, banknote paper and some special industrial paper.

5. Katoenpulp

Katoenpulp is van katoen gemaak as die grondstof van pulp. Cotton fibres are long, soft and ink-absorbent, giving cotton pulp paper a high texture and writing performance, so it is often used to make high-grade calligraphy and painting paper, art paper and some special-purpose paper.

6. afvalpulp

Afvalpulp, soos die naam aandui, is gemaak van herwinde afvalpapier, na deinking, suiwering en ander behandelingsprosesse. The recycling of waste pulp not only saves natural resources, but also reduces waste emissions, which is an important way to achieve sustainable development of the paper industry. Afvalpulp kan gebruik word om baie soorte papier te produseer, waaronder gegolfde bokbord, grys bord, grys onderkant bord, wit onderkant bord, koerantpapier, omgewingsvriendelike kulturele papier, herwinde industriële papier en huishoudelike papier.

Postyd: 15-Sep-2024